How can pulse width be used to control Continuous Rotation servo speed?

February 26, 2011 at 10:21 am (Uncategorized)

Pulse width controls the speed and direction of the servos in the boe-bot. It is also a way to describe how long a pulse lasts. To control the servo speed of the continuous rotation servo, I need to type in a program that uses the PULSOUT command. The PULSOUT command’s duration argument is used to adjust the speed and direction of the servos. The program I need to use to control the servo speed of the servo is shown below:

First, I have to type in 650 in the Debug Terminal Transmit Windowpane. To calculate the duration of the servos, I have to multiply 2 by 650 because the PULSOUT command’s duration argument is measured in 2 micro units. The equation will then be “Duration = 650 x 0.000002 seconds”. Next, I have to multiply the answer by 1000 and then I get the length of the pulse for PULSOUT 12, 650, which is 1.3 milliseconds.

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